Dominique BOURG, philosopher, honorary professor, University of Lausanne. Directs at Puf the collection "L'écologie en questions" and the collection "Nouvelles Terres" with Sophie Swaton; the series "Grands articles" and the review Membership in : CFDD, Coppens Commission, Conseil national du développement durable, Grenelle de l'environnement, etc.; scientific councils: Ademe (2004-2006), FNH (1998 - 2019), Organe de prospective de l'Etat de Vaud (2008 - 2017), Fondation Zoein (Geneva, 2019- ). Research areas: ecological thinking, risks, circular economy and ecological democracy. Officer of the Legion of Honor, National Order of Merit. Winner of the "Promeneur solitaire" prize (2003) and the Veolia Environnement prize (2015). Latest publications: Le Marché contre l'humanité, Puf, 2019 and Primauté du vivant. Essai sur le pensable, with S. Swaton, Puf, Oct. 2021.
Shirleen Chin is an international legal expert and independent consultant (Green Transparency<>) focusing on environmental crime, human rights and governance. She's worked 10 years in the environmental non-profit sector and devotes her time in helping other NGOs with strategic advocacy, including Stop Ecocide International<>, who she represents as their Diplomatic Liaison and Strategic Projects collaborator. Through her engagement with the topic of ecocide, she has written a number of articles for various partners (e.g. Harvard School of Law<>, Extinction Rebellion) and other publications (e.g. Cambio16, OpinioJuris<>). She holds both an MBA and an LLM.
Didier Coeurnelle, born in 1962, lives in Brussels. He is vice-president of the French Transhumanist Association Technoprog and member of the Board of Humanity +. He campaigns for research in favor of a much longer life in good health. As such, he is co-president of the Heales association (Healthy Life Extension Society) and a member of the board of the International Longevity Alliance. He publishes the newsletter La mort de la mort and has spoken at numerous conferences and in the media in French, English and Dutch. He has published two books Et si on arrêtait de vieillir. Reality, stakes and perspectives of a much longer healthy life. (2013) and, with Marc Roux, Technoprog. Transhumanism in the service of social progress. (2016). Didier Coeurnelle is a lawyer and works in a Belgian social security administration. He is an active supporter of the democratization of international institutions. For more than 30 years, he has been active in progressive ecological and social movements and contributes financially to the fight against world hunger and to research for longevity.
Michelle Dobré is a sociologist, professor at the University of Caen and researcher at the Centre d'Etudes et Recherches sur les Risques et les Vulnérabilités (CERREV), member of the Pôle " Risque " of the Maison de la Recherche en Sciences de l'Homme. Her research topics are consumption and the environment, cultural change, practices of daily life related to ecology, actors of the environmental issue, new lifestyles (sobriety, simplicity, sustainable development). She has participated in several researches on ecological, social and cultural aspects of information and communication technologies.
Dobré M., Haesler A., 2016, "The Medial Turn in Knowledge Society", online:
Flipo F., Dobré M., Deltour F., "Les technologies de l'information à l'épreuve du développement durable", Natures-Sciences-Sociétés, N. X, Vol. 24, N.1. February 2016.
Woody Evans is Manager of Research & User Experience and a Librarian at Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas, USA. He is also a doctoral student in the Rhetoric program at Texas Woman’s. He has previously worked at Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates, and in a contract capacity to the United States Air Force. His current interests include the rhetoric of magic.
Fabrice Flipo
Professor of philosophy, epistemology and history of science and technology
Since June 1st, 2004
Professor in the Grande Ecole at Institut Mines-Télécom BS, 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry, with the rank of Professor (2017).
Habilité à Diriger les Recherches in Lettres et Sciences Sociales, Paris 7 Diderot (2013).
Qualified as a university professor in section 72 of the CNU (2014)
Qualified as a university professor in section 17 of the CNU (2014)
Emilie Gaillard is Associate Professor in Private Law (Sciences Po Rennes) and co-head of the Risk Division of the MRSH (Caen France). She defended in 2008 a thesis entitled : Future Generations and Private Law. Towards a law for Future Generations (ed.LDGJ, 2011, 673p.). For this book, she has been awarded a Prize by the French Academy of Political and Moral Sciences in 2010.
Her works highlight the emergence of a new temporal paradigm which renews the legal framework but also initiates a new legal logic. She strives for a revitalised juridical humanism which respects both, humankind through time and space, and all the living and supporting conditions for life. She mainly writes in Philosophy, Legal Theory, International Human Rights Law, International Environmental Law, Constitutional Law & Biolaw. She participated to the elaboration of a Universal Declaration of rights of humankind under the direction of Corinne Lepage for the President of the French Republic (2015).
Raymond Haddad. Doctor in European environmental law. He teaches environmental law at the Faculty of Sciences of Lens, is a researcher at the IA Responsable chair of the University of Artois, and is a reference author for LexisNexis in the field of digital administration.
Aldo Haesler (1954), sociologist and philosopher of economics, professor of sociology at UCN since 2000. Works: theory of modernity, social change, sociology of money, relational sociology, history of ideas, cosmology. Works in French: Sociologie de l'argent et postmodernité (1995), Hard Modernity. The Perfection of Capitalism and its Limits (2018). Currently working on a project on the philosophy of dematerialized money with Oliver Schlaudt (Heidelberg) and Frank Engster (Berlin).
Yao-Ming HSU is an associate professor at National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated from Taiwan University with a Master's degree in political science and also law, and there was still a Master of Law; then, he obtained two DEAs in European law and legal theory at Aix-Marseille University in France, and finally a PhD in international law also at UAM. In addition, he also stayed at the University of California at Berkeley as a visiting scholar during 2012 and 2013.
At HSU, he works more on the normative hierarchy of law and conflicts between norms, including bioethics law, community law, international trade law. He specializes in topics focusing on the interaction between international trade law and other international norms, such as trade and environment, trade and human rights, trade and energy, and also recently focuses on China's role in the WTO and climate change and the WTO. In addition, he cooperates with the International Academic Network on Bioethics in Rennes, France, and with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Germany.
In April 2009, he published two collections of works in Chinese entitled "EU Law, WTO Law and Technology Law" and "New Issues in Private International Law and EU Private International Law". Recently, he has also published articles on the conflict between WTO law and the Kyoto Protocol (French), on comparative private international law among Taiwan, China and the European Union (Spanish and English), and on the legal regime of artificial reproduction in Taiwan and China (French and English). To date, he has spoken at more than fifty international symposiums in English and French.
E.-M. Mbonda is Professor of Ethics, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law at the Université des Montagnes, Bangangté, Cameroon, and Associate Professor at the Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaoundé, Cameroon, at the University of Moncton (Canada) and at the University of Quebec at Rimouski (Canada).
He is also the author of several publications, including Une décolonisation de la pensée. Études de philosophie afrocentrique (Sorbonne Université Presses, 2021); La contribution des savoirs locaux, à l'éthique, au politique et au droit (co-direction with Dany Rondeau, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2015; La philosophie africaine hier et aujourd'hui (direction, L'Harmattan, 2013)
Jojo Mehta is both co-founder and executive director of Stop Ecocide International<> as well as chair of the charitable Stop Ecocide Foundation. She co-founded the public campaign in 2017 (alongside legal pioneer the late Polly Higgins<>) to support making severe harm to nature an international crime and has overseen the growth of the global movement while coordinating legal developments, diplomatic traction, and public narrative.
Séverine Nadaud is a lecturer in public law at the University of Limoges. She is in charge of the Master 2 in International and Comparative Environmental Law (distance learning in partnership with the AUF) as well as the University Diploma in Animal Law. Her work focuses on the links between human rights and environmental protection (in particular the protection of wild animals), on the recognition and guarantee of human environmental rights in order to face climate and energy issues.
He holds a DEA from the Universities of Paris and a Master of Law from Georgetown University (USA.
Marc Roux is co-founder and president of the French Transhumanist Association - Technoprog. After training in science, he did his doctoral studies in history. With the AFT, he has organized and participated in many conferences. He is regularly interviewed on transhumanism and biopolitics by the media and invited by institutions (Ministry of Health, War School, CCNE, etc.).
He is now a researcher affiliated with the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies and lives in Greece. With Didier Coeurnelle, he wrote TECHNOPROG, le transhumanisme au service du progrès social (FYP, 2016).
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